Săpunaru, two laps of suspension and 1.000 euro surcharge!

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 16 noiembrie 2009 00:00

Cristian Săpunaru will miss at the next two matches of the national team and he will be surcharged with 1.000 euro after the nervous attitude he had Saturday night on the airport Otopeni, when the Romanian players returned from Poland.

The defender of FC Porto went into a polemic with a cameraman present at the airport, being irritated by the fact that he was suspected by the journalists of having consumed alcohol in the airplane.

Besides, the spotter Răzvan Lucescu revealed last night at Recursul Etapei that he might not convoke Săpunaru again:

"Cristi had had this kind of gesture in Paris, too, when I also decided not to call him at the national team. Meanwhile, he got injured and that is why he was not convoked, and now I have brought him for the friendly match with Poland with many risks, because he doesn’t play at Porto. He had no reason to be upset on Saturday evening, he should have been happy for the result of the national team".

Cristian Săpunaru will miss at the next two matches of the national team and he will be surcharged with 1.000 euro after the nervous attitude he had Saturday night on the airport Otopeni, when the Romanian players returned from Poland.

The defender of FC Porto went into a polemic with a cameraman present at the airport, being irritated by the fact that he was suspected by the journalists of having consumed alcohol in the airplane.

Besides, the spotter Răzvan Lucescu revealed last night at Recursul Etapei that he might not convoke Săpunaru again:

"Cristi had had this kind of gesture in Paris, too, when I also decided not to call him at the national team. Meanwhile, he got injured and that is why he was not convoked, and now I have brought him for the friendly match with Poland with many risks, because he doesn’t play at Porto. He had no reason to be upset on Saturday evening, he should have been happy for the result of the national team".

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Comentarii (1)
dantecuci  •  17 Noiembrie 2009, 00:37

Nu mai folositi google translate pentru stiri :) De ex: "laps" inseamna bazine. Sau poate vreti sa ziceti ca Sapunaru se arunca mai mult pe jos in meciuri :) "Matches/games" e traducerea corecta. "surcharge" inseamna taxa aditionala. Aici e vorba de amenda ("fine").

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