Ion Marin: "There is no difference of value between us and Galatasaray! We need to play for pleasure at Istanbul"

Ion Marin
Ion Marin

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009 00:00

The coach of Dinamo was very optimistic when he left to Turkey, saying that his team may obtain a great result against Galatasaray. "Săpăligă" is not afraid of Turkish stars and he thinks that Dinamo’s stars can make the difference

"Dinamo has always been a great team, both in the proper sense and in the figurative sense. We are going to meet the strongest team in the group, a very good team, full of individualities and which costs a lot of money. They have a special force to play, but I don’t think there is a difference of value between us. We also have good players, tough players who will know to face the pressure on «Ali Sami Yen»", declared Ion Marin

The coach of Dinamo was very optimistic when he left to Turkey, saying that his team may obtain a great result against Galatasaray. "Săpăligă" is not afraid of Turkish stars and he thinks that Dinamo’s stars can make the difference

"Dinamo has always been a great team, both in the proper sense and in the figurative sense. We are going to meet the strongest team in the group, a very good team, full of individualities and which costs a lot of money. They have a special force to play, but I don’t think there is a difference of value between us. We also have good players, tough players who will know to face the pressure on «Ali Sami Yen»", declared Ion Marin

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