Romeo Surdu: "We want to qualify right from the turn, as we did with Motherwell"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 19 august 2009 00:00

Romeo Surdu says that Steaua must propose to obtain the qualification in the groups Europe League right from the turn match with St. Patrick's, which will take place on Thursday evening.

"We want very much to qualify in Europe League. We don’t know much about St. Patrick's, but we have to solve the qualification at home, as we did with Motherwell. We have to do our job.

We have a combinative game, with down passes, even if lately it hasn’t helped us because of the field. It remains to be seen how we present at the match with St. Patrick's", said  Surdu trustfully at the press conference.

Romeo Surdu says that Steaua must propose to obtain the qualification in the groups Europe League right from the turn match with St. Patrick's, which will take place on Thursday evening.

"We want very much to qualify in Europe League. We don’t know much about St. Patrick's, but we have to solve the qualification at home, as we did with Motherwell. We have to do our job.

We have a combinative game, with down passes, even if lately it hasn’t helped us because of the field. It remains to be seen how we present at the match with St. Patrick's", said  Surdu trustfully at the press conference.

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