VIDEO » You can see the moment when the fans of Dinamo invade the ground What kind of sanction will receive Dinamo?

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 21 august 2009 00:00

The fans of the "dogs" lost their patience at the end of the match with Slovan. They broke the division fences and they entered on the field, when the referee whistled the end of the match. UEFA will analyze these days the incidents from the stadium Dinamo, and the football men in the country are skeptical regarding the verdict of the continental instance. 

Ion Crăciunescu, the former great international referee says that the rules in force stipulate a very tough penalty for such incidents: a suspension for 3 years from Europe. >> You can read here Crăciunescu's declaration!

Cristian Bivolaru, observer UEFA, affirms that the incidents were not so grave so that Dinamo could risk to be excluded from Europe. "I don’t think they will be excluded from UEFA competitions. They will play European matches on other stadia in the country”, said Bivolaru for EVZ.

What verdict do you think the continental instance will give?

The fans of the "dogs" lost their patience at the end of the match with Slovan. They broke the division fences and they entered on the field, when the referee whistled the end of the match. UEFA will analyze these days the incidents from the stadium Dinamo, and the football men in the country are skeptical regarding the verdict of the continental instance. 

Ion Crăciunescu, the former great international referee says that the rules in force stipulate a very tough penalty for such incidents: a suspension for 3 years from Europe. >> You can read here Crăciunescu's declaration!

Cristian Bivolaru, observer UEFA, affirms that the incidents were not so grave so that Dinamo could risk to be excluded from Europe. "I don’t think they will be excluded from UEFA competitions. They will play European matches on other stadia in the country”, said Bivolaru for EVZ.

What verdict do you think the continental instance will give?

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