HE LOST IT! » Răzvan was ruined by a referee mistake!

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 10 octombrie 2010 00:00

Romania defended desperatly in Paris, but suffered a 2-0 upset after Remy scored from ofsside.

We knew what was waiting for us on Stade de France. The French started of easy, but then got in the 5th gear. The first goal chance came in the 6th minute when Nasry tried his luck, but was blocked by Tamas.

Nothing in the attack
We only tried to destroy everything our opponent created and we didn't even exist in the attack. Daniel Niculae didn't receive any balls, Stancu didn't even have time do breathe. We  finished the game with a scare when Benzema hit the post.

Panti and Chivu in excellent form.
Deac went in for Zicu in the second half. Florescu (47) had a great chance, but only manage to stretch Lloris. The French immediatly reacted and started their attacking raids. They were stopped only by a fantastic Pantilimon and Chivu's fantastic play.

Sapunaru was so close
In the final minutes, we managed to count in the attack and Sapunaru almost scored. His shot was stopped by the post. Remy fooled linesman Ricardo Santos and scored from a clear offside. Gourcuff's goal doesn't even count!

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