Trică: "The players fromCFR are young and they can run, why are they tired?"

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 23 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Eugen Trică, midfield CFR, thinks that his team has to do all the best in the match with Roma in order to hope to a qualification in the European spring.

"The championship balances out, but we are not happy about someone else misfortune. If we lose we suffer, but we have to get over. It was good for us that Dinamo lost the match at Braşov. I would like for Urziceni to win the title if we can’t. Bit, as you can see there are two teams which struggle for the title, they are 9-10.

Of course it is very good because we play every three days. Let’s not say that we are tired. We are close to the match with Roma; it will be neck or nothing. We must win this match because I don’t even want to think about the match with Chelsea. We win and wait.

I think we had bad luck. We have a long group now; we cannot say that we are tired. They are young players who can run, why are they tired? If we have in mind what the requirements are at CFR, this is not an excuse", said Trică on sportro.

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