Mititelu: "Prunea does not have the right to stay on the technican bench of Dinamo, we will make a memoir at FIFA"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 23 februarie 2010 00:00

The president of Universitatea Craiova, Adrian Mititelu, is sure that Florin Prunea won’t be on the technical bench in the next matches of Dinamo.

"We haven’t brought the memoir at FRF, because we will address to FIFA. The attorneys are working so that the action may be very well done, not to be drafting mistakes. Until Monday everything will be ready.

Prunea’s presence on the technical bench was not correct; I guarantee you that in the next match he won’t be there. Mr. Mircea Sandu has made a mistake saying that Prunea had the right to stay on the technical bench.

I have heard Mr. Prunea saying that he was suspended only the contract. This is foolish, let’s be serious! He can work anywhere, even at the club Dinamo, but he won’t stay on the technical bench, in the locker room. The persons who are suspended for sports errors cannot be part of a match, cannot participate at meetings, cannot stay in the locker room, cannot stay on the technical bench...", said Mititelu at GSP TV.

The president of Universitatea Craiova, Adrian Mititelu, is sure that Florin Prunea won’t be on the technical bench in the next matches of Dinamo.

"We haven’t brought the memoir at FRF, because we will address to FIFA. The attorneys are working so that the action may be very well done, not to be drafting mistakes. Until Monday everything will be ready.

Prunea’s presence on the technical bench was not correct; I guarantee you that in the next match he won’t be there. Mr. Mircea Sandu has made a mistake saying that Prunea had the right to stay on the technical bench.

I have heard Mr. Prunea saying that he was suspended only the contract. This is foolish, let’s be serious! He can work anywhere, even at the club Dinamo, but he won’t stay on the technical bench, in the locker room. The persons who are suspended for sports errors cannot be part of a match, cannot participate at meetings, cannot stay in the locker room, cannot stay on the technical bench...", said Mititelu at GSP TV.

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