Piţurcă: "Everybody would have something to win if Mutu get operated"

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 23 octombrie 2008 00:00

Victor Piţurcă said again that he would like for Mutu to get operated to his knee, specifying that everybody would have something to win thanks to this intervention:

"I didn’t forced Mutu to play in the match with France. The problems from his knee appeared long time ago and he was able to play at Roma and at the national team, in spite of his accident.

I think it would be better to get operated; everybody would have something to win. I want him able to play in the spring"
, said Piţurcă at Telesport

Victor Piţurcă said again that he would like for Mutu to get operated to his knee, specifying that everybody would have something to win thanks to this intervention:

"I didn’t forced Mutu to play in the match with France. The problems from his knee appeared long time ago and he was able to play at Roma and at the national team, in spite of his accident.

I think it would be better to get operated; everybody would have something to win. I want him able to play in the spring"
, said Piţurcă at Telesport

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Comentarii (2)
 •  05 Noiembrie 2008, 12:46

Greu cu engleza...

 •  05 Noiembrie 2008, 10:58

everybody would win something if mutu has surgery on his injured knee....mutu get(s) operated really has no meaning in the english language....

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