Piţurcă: "When he obtains the citizenship, he will be able to play at the national team."

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 20 februarie 2009 00:00

Victor Piţurcă, the Romanian spotter, discussed the possibility that Maximilian Nicu to play in the future for the national team and he declared that he hopes that the issue with respect to the citizenship to be solved as soon as possible.

"He had been monitored almost all the time, I have seen almost all the matches of his team. It is a great thing to play every match at the team which is on the first place in Germany. I have spoken with him. He is German citizen, the papers for obtaining the Romanian citizenship will be submitted, but there is a problem because his parents lost the Romanian citizenship.

I made these demarches, I discussed at the Federation in order to take Nicu at the national team.
When he obtains the citizenship, he will be able to play at the national team. I will send again some observers at his matches and maybe I will go myself to a few matches and finally, we will see him playing in the national team.  

Perhaps we obtain the citizenship in one year, but it possible to obtain it even faster", said Piţurcă on GSPTV

Victor Piţurcă, the Romanian spotter, discussed the possibility that Maximilian Nicu to play in the future for the national team and he declared that he hopes that the issue with respect to the citizenship to be solved as soon as possible.

"He had been monitored almost all the time, I have seen almost all the matches of his team. It is a great thing to play every match at the team which is on the first place in Germany. I have spoken with him. He is German citizen, the papers for obtaining the Romanian citizenship will be submitted, but there is a problem because his parents lost the Romanian citizenship.

I made these demarches, I discussed at the Federation in order to take Nicu at the national team.
When he obtains the citizenship, he will be able to play at the national team. I will send again some observers at his matches and maybe I will go myself to a few matches and finally, we will see him playing in the national team.  

Perhaps we obtain the citizenship in one year, but it possible to obtain it even faster", said Piţurcă on GSPTV

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