Luminiţa Huţupan: "We need a victory in the match with Norway"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 07 decembrie 2009 00:00

The former goalkeeper of the national women handball team, Luminiţa Huţupan-Dinu, congratulated her former colleagues for match with Hungary and she says that it is possible even a victory with Norway. Romania defeated Hungary with the score of 31-25 and it has the same number points as Norway, 6.
"I have no thrills for the match with Tunisia. The first half will be balanced, but it is not a force in handball and I am sure that we will come back in the second half and we will win the match.

The match with Norway is quite difficult. The do not have any more good players, but it is still a well formed nucleus with ambitious players. We need very much the points from the match with Norway and Ramona Maier on the field", said Luminiţa Huţupan-Dinu at Contraatac, pe GSPTV.

The former goalkeeper of the national women handball team, Luminiţa Huţupan-Dinu, congratulated her former colleagues for match with Hungary and she says that it is possible even a victory with Norway. Romania defeated Hungary with the score of 31-25 and it has the same number points as Norway, 6.
"I have no thrills for the match with Tunisia. The first half will be balanced, but it is not a force in handball and I am sure that we will come back in the second half and we will win the match.

The match with Norway is quite difficult. The do not have any more good players, but it is still a well formed nucleus with ambitious players. We need very much the points from the match with Norway and Ramona Maier on the field", said Luminiţa Huţupan-Dinu at Contraatac, pe GSPTV.


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