Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 05 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Dorinel Munteanu: “I had bad luck. In the first round we didn’t give the possibility to the adversary to have chances to score. In the second round we tried to put pressure, we controlled the game, but we received another goal. This was the history of the match.” He continued: “Tiago played well, but Szekely failed to do the same, although he tried hard. I am sorry for Semedo, but it is not good that he is content with just a little. 

Balint accuses the slowly players from Steaua

Gabi Balint, a former great player of Steaua, comment after the match: “I think that Dorinel will give up to 4 players in winter: Arturo, Toja, Tiago and Semedo. They are slow players, who do not help the defense and I do not think that they will adapt to Dorinel’s requirements".

"I don’t know if there are good things because it didn’t excel in anything, the team was totally out of its depths in this match, said Piturca (photo), the coach of the Romanian national team.

“Steaua is a good team, which made a good game against us, just like it played with Bayern, when it shouldn’t have lost"


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