Gică Popescu: "România is favoured and we should respect this status"

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 24 martie 2009 00:00

The former Romanian international, Gică Popescu, has spoken about the match from Saturday of the "tricolors", with Serbia, saying that the national team trained by Victor Piţurcă is favoured in the confrontation with Serbia, because we play on our field.

"This is an important match for the national team and we need to win. No matter what absents we have in the team, the players which will be on the ground must do all their best.
If we don’t win, almost all our chances for the qualification will be lost. Romania is favoured and this is normal. No matter who we will play with, we are favoured on our field and we should respect this statute.

The Serbs have a powerful team, but this shouldn’t scare us. Because this is a decisive match for us, we should hope to victory. Mutu is a very important player and the entire offensive organization made by Piţurcă depends on Mutu.  Piţurcă is the coach of the national team of football and he is responsible of the results. He chooses whom he brings to the team. The press may write anything it wants, he has the last word. He has been inspired.

It would be extraordinary to take six points from this double with Serbia and Austria, but let’s not think about that moment so far. The match with Serbia is the most important. We race with them for the second place", said Gică Popescu at the television Sportro.

The former Romanian international, Gică Popescu, has spoken about the match from Saturday of the "tricolors", with Serbia, saying that the national team trained by Victor Piţurcă is favoured in the confrontation with Serbia, because we play on our field.

"This is an important match for the national team and we need to win. No matter what absents we have in the team, the players which will be on the ground must do all their best.
If we don’t win, almost all our chances for the qualification will be lost. Romania is favoured and this is normal. No matter who we will play with, we are favoured on our field and we should respect this statute.

The Serbs have a powerful team, but this shouldn’t scare us. Because this is a decisive match for us, we should hope to victory. Mutu is a very important player and the entire offensive organization made by Piţurcă depends on Mutu.  Piţurcă is the coach of the national team of football and he is responsible of the results. He chooses whom he brings to the team. The press may write anything it wants, he has the last word. He has been inspired.

It would be extraordinary to take six points from this double with Serbia and Austria, but let’s not think about that moment so far. The match with Serbia is the most important. We race with them for the second place", said Gică Popescu at the television Sportro.

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