Hagi learns from the spotter » The teacher Răzvan and the student Gică

Mircea Rădulescu, Rădulescu, Gicăă Hagi, Hagi, Răzvan Lucescu, Lucescu
Mircea Rădulescu, Rădulescu, Gicăă Hagi, Hagi, Răzvan Lucescu, Lucescu

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 16 februarie 2010 00:00

The former spotter took down notes from the present coach of the "tricolors" at the yesterday meeting of the coaches with license Pro

Răzvan Lucescu, 40 years old, was teacher for one day. He has special students, the coached with license PRO. Among these there were also the former spotter of Romania from 2001, Gheorghe Hagi (45 years old), Marius Lăcătuş, Miodrag Belodedici, Dorinel Munteanu, Ioan Sabău, Viorel Moldovan, Mircea Rednic and others. "I did not come here to give lessons", said Răzvan from the very beginning.   

Lucescu has spoken for two hours about "The main ideas regarding the selection, the training and the play of the national team".

Mutu, without name
Without uttering Mutu’s name, he also gave examples regarding the players who "if they are not responsible outside the field, neither they are on the greensward. They can play very well for 70-80 minutes and then in 10 minutes they can destroy the match". In the end, Răzvan was applauded by the audience.

They discussed in private
Although he has no commitment after he left from Steaua in the autumn of 2007, Hagi listened carefully to Răzvan. "The King" made no bones about taking notes. Then the spotter went to Hagi’s desk, with whom he discussed friendly, smiling. "We have discussed about general things, about life, and of course about football!", said  Lucescu. One week ago, Ioan Becali said that from the autumn Hagi will be again spotter, gambling that the national team won’t have good results with Răzvan. 

"I was not surprised that Hagi was here! I don’t want to have controversial discussions about the future of the national team. Gică has nothing to do with the things said by certain agents!"
Răzvan Lucescu, spotter Romania

Riciu interviewed Dan Petrescu
Although he was not present, Dan Petrescu could be heard by the coaches. At the transmitter of the hall has been put an interview with the former coach of Unirea Urziceni, the questions being addressed by Mircea Rădulescu, the chief of the National School of coaches. "The Dumpy Fellow" explained how he prepared the team for the matches from Champions League.

The former spotter took down notes from the present coach of the "tricolors" at the yesterday meeting of the coaches with license Pro

Răzvan Lucescu, 40 years old, was teacher for one day. He has special students, the coached with license PRO. Among these there were also the former spotter of Romania from 2001, Gheorghe Hagi (45 years old), Marius Lăcătuş, Miodrag Belodedici, Dorinel Munteanu, Ioan Sabău, Viorel Moldovan, Mircea Rednic and others. "I did not come here to give lessons", said Răzvan from the very beginning.   

Lucescu has spoken for two hours about "The main ideas regarding the selection, the training and the play of the national team".

Mutu, without name
Without uttering Mutu’s name, he also gave examples regarding the players who "if they are not responsible outside the field, neither they are on the greensward. They can play very well for 70-80 minutes and then in 10 minutes they can destroy the match". In the end, Răzvan was applauded by the audience.

They discussed in private
Although he has no commitment after he left from Steaua in the autumn of 2007, Hagi listened carefully to Răzvan. "The King" made no bones about taking notes. Then the spotter went to Hagi’s desk, with whom he discussed friendly, smiling. "We have discussed about general things, about life, and of course about football!", said  Lucescu. One week ago, Ioan Becali said that from the autumn Hagi will be again spotter, gambling that the national team won’t have good results with Răzvan. 

"I was not surprised that Hagi was here! I don’t want to have controversial discussions about the future of the national team. Gică has nothing to do with the things said by certain agents!"
Răzvan Lucescu, spotter Romania

Riciu interviewed Dan Petrescu
Although he was not present, Dan Petrescu could be heard by the coaches. At the transmitter of the hall has been put an interview with the former coach of Unirea Urziceni, the questions being addressed by Mircea Rădulescu, the chief of the National School of coaches. "The Dumpy Fellow" explained how he prepared the team for the matches from Champions League.

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