Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 30 noiembrie 2009 00:00
The leaders from Steaua will take extreme measures in order to avoid the incidents on the stadium from Ghencea. The new rule: you can enter on the arena with only 5 keys on the pendant!
One part of the supporters who had more keys argued with the people at the entrance gate after they found out that they have more keys than it is allowed.
"What shall I do if I have many hasps at my door, if I have a car and a lodge and a letter box?!", burst one of the fans.
The leaders from Steaua will take extreme measures in order to avoid the incidents on the stadium from Ghencea. The new rule: you can enter on the arena with only 5 keys on the pendant!
One part of the supporters who had more keys argued with the people at the entrance gate after they found out that they have more keys than it is allowed.
"What shall I do if I have many hasps at my door, if I have a car and a lodge and a letter box?!", burst one of the fans.
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