LESS SUPPORTERS » Only 1 of 10 Steaua subscribers remained unsuspended

Articol de - Publicat joi, 12 noiembrie 2009 00:00

From the almost 3.800 fans forbidden by red-blue, the big majority are subscribers. This summer they paid between 70 and 300 lei in order to have access at all the matches played "at home"

The match and the spectators prohibited on Ghencea. Although at the match with Unirea Alba Iulia maximum 3.000 fans were present, and after this match the club has decided to increase the number of supporters who are not allowed anymore to enter on the stadium with another 400-500 names. For Steaua it is dramatic the fact that in this moment almost 90 percent of the 4.000 – 4.200 subscribers from the grounds, the 2nd stand and the 1st stand have been introduced in the database with the stamp "prohibited!".

This decision was made for the first time at the club from Ghencea, who had a goal in the autumn of 2004, an aim which today seems to be a utopia: to sell at least 15.000 subscriptions in a season.

How did the most loved club team in Romania arrive in this situation? Five weeks ago, after the match with Bistriţa, a decision was made: that of prohibiting all the subscribers from the two grounds, i.e. around 2.000. Were prohibited even some subscribers who didn’t come on the stadium this season! Then, after the match with Fenerbahce, the heads of Steaua have forbidden another 1.500-1.700 fans. And the measures continued after the score 2-0 with Alba Iulia. And they won’t stop here, inform the leaders.


"They are prohibited for good!"
Argăseală says that the fans who are already blocked will never be allowed to enter on the stadium

- Mr. Argăseală, what can do the 90 percent of the prohibited subscribers?
- All they can do is to come at the club to recover the money they paid this summer, when they bought the package from us. The first of them have already come at the club, I cancelled the subscriptions and they recovered the entire amount for the subscription.

- For how long are they forbidden?
- For good! They won’t be able to enter on the stadium Ghencea, at Steaua’s matches, and that is for surer! They must see that we don’t make jokes.

5,2 millions euro
received Steaua only from the sale of subscriptions and tickets last season for the matches in the championship and the European cups

From the almost 3.800 fans forbidden by red-blue, the big majority are subscribers. This summer they paid between 70 and 300 lei in order to have access at all the matches played "at home"

The match and the spectators prohibited on Ghencea. Although at the match with Unirea Alba Iulia maximum 3.000 fans were present, and after this match the club has decided to increase the number of supporters who are not allowed anymore to enter on the stadium with another 400-500 names. For Steaua it is dramatic the fact that in this moment almost 90 percent of the 4.000 – 4.200 subscribers from the grounds, the 2nd stand and the 1st stand have been introduced in the database with the stamp "prohibited!".

This decision was made for the first time at the club from Ghencea, who had a goal in the autumn of 2004, an aim which today seems to be a utopia: to sell at least 15.000 subscriptions in a season.

How did the most loved club team in Romania arrive in this situation? Five weeks ago, after the match with Bistriţa, a decision was made: that of prohibiting all the subscribers from the two grounds, i.e. around 2.000. Were prohibited even some subscribers who didn’t come on the stadium this season! Then, after the match with Fenerbahce, the heads of Steaua have forbidden another 1.500-1.700 fans. And the measures continued after the score 2-0 with Alba Iulia. And they won’t stop here, inform the leaders.


"They are prohibited for good!"
Argăseală says that the fans who are already blocked will never be allowed to enter on the stadium

- Mr. Argăseală, what can do the 90 percent of the prohibited subscribers?
- All they can do is to come at the club to recover the money they paid this summer, when they bought the package from us. The first of them have already come at the club, I cancelled the subscriptions and they recovered the entire amount for the subscription.

- For how long are they forbidden?
- For good! They won’t be able to enter on the stadium Ghencea, at Steaua’s matches, and that is for surer! They must see that we don’t make jokes.

5,2 millions euro received Steaua only from the sale of subscriptions and tickets last season for the matches in the championship and the European cups

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