N'Doye was sent at the second team and he won't plat at Bistriţa! The same sanction for Bratu, to!

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 15 aprilie 2010 00:00

The leaders from Dinamo seem not to tolerate anymore Ousmane N'Doye’s extra-sport life and they decided to degrade the Senegalese at the second team on an undetermined period!

N'Doye was not very affected because he was eliminated by Dinamo from the Romanian Cup and he spent in the club a few hours after the defeat suffered against CFR Cluj.

The General Manager of the club from Ştefan cel Mare, Florin Prunea, reveals for that the player will be sent at Dinamo II on an undetermined period and that he won’t be part of the team for the match with Gloria Bistriţa, which will take place on Sunday, the same sanction will be inflicted on Florin Bratu, too.

"Ousmane has already left home, he won’t be part of the group which left to Bistiţa. I have bought him the plane ticket, he will be integrated in the program of the second team. The decision was made according to the operating code regulations of the club, and when we return to Bucharest we’ll see what measures will be imposed. Florin Bratu is in the same situation, and he will leave Cluj with another plane".

The leaders from Dinamo seem not to tolerate anymore Ousmane N'Doye’s extra-sport life and they decided to degrade the Senegalese at the second team on an undetermined period!

N'Doye was not very affected because he was eliminated by Dinamo from the Romanian Cup and he spent in the club a few hours after the defeat suffered against CFR Cluj.

The General Manager of the club from Ştefan cel Mare, Florin Prunea, reveals for that the player will be sent at Dinamo II on an undetermined period and that he won’t be part of the team for the match with Gloria Bistriţa, which will take place on Sunday, the same sanction will be inflicted on Florin Bratu, too.

"Ousmane has already left home, he won’t be part of the group which left to Bistiţa. I have bought him the plane ticket, he will be integrated in the program of the second team. The decision was made according to the operating code regulations of the club, and when we return to Bucharest we’ll see what measures will be imposed. Florin Bratu is in the same situation, and he will leave Cluj with another plane".

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Comentarii (1)
 •  16 Aprilie 2010, 10:37

Cu cine ati invatat engleza ma ?:)))) Se spune "too", nu "to"... Am intrat de curiozitate pe versiunea engleza si mor de ras :))) E clar ca oricine ajunge ziarist...

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