Lucian Bute will meet Jesse Brinkley for the world title

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 08 iunie 2010 00:00

The pugilist Lucian Bute will fight with the American boxer Jesse Brinkley (photo) for the world title in the version IBF, announced the president of the Romanian Federation of Box, Rudel Obreja, on a press conference, on Tuesday.

"The situation is delicate in Romania and for now it was impossible for me to have the final discussions with the authorities. I have obtained, on principle, the promise Interbox that if we have what we need, i.e. the financial guarantee, we would still have the possibility to organize in Romania the gala. I this will be Lucian’s last match in this year, and then he will go where HBO will impose to him, the most probable in USA", declared Obreja.

Lucian Bute (26 victories and no defeat) retained for the fifth time the IBF super middleweight title, against the Columbian pugilist Edison "Pantera" Miranda, in a gala which took place on April 17, 2010 at Centre Bell from Montreal (Canada).

The pugilist Lucian Bute will fight with the American boxer Jesse Brinkley (photo) for the world title in the version IBF, announced the president of the Romanian Federation of Box, Rudel Obreja, on a press conference, on Tuesday.

"The situation is delicate in Romania and for now it was impossible for me to have the final discussions with the authorities. I have obtained, on principle, the promise Interbox that if we have what we need, i.e. the financial guarantee, we would still have the possibility to organize in Romania the gala. I this will be Lucian’s last match in this year, and then he will go where HBO will impose to him, the most probable in USA", declared Obreja.

Lucian Bute (26 victories and no defeat) retained for the fifth time the IBF super middleweight title, against the Columbian pugilist Edison "Pantera" Miranda, in a gala which took place on April 17, 2010 at Centre Bell from Montreal (Canada).

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