Marian Drăgulescu: "Larisa destroyed my image"

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 06 noiembrie 2008 00:00

The man and the sportsman Marian Drăgulescu narrated for Gazeta Sporturilor the changes which appeared in his life after the scandal in which he was involved. Three times world champion at vaulting, Drăgulescu wants to start a new life and forget the difficult moments he passed through.

- Marian, how much did this event affect you which was so discussed by the public opinion, but also in sport?
- If it hadn’t been for this shock, I think I would have delayed the separation by my wife this scandal made me put an end to this relationship.  I have tried to build a good image in 20 years of career, an image which she destroyed. I feel good that all is over and I am calm.

- Larisa is the only guilty or are you guilty, too?
- Mt fault is that I came back to her after I divorced, but I decided to make this way for the good of my children. She is an immature woman and I hoped that she will change.  I’ve tried all by best, but she was always provoking a scandal. I have argued with my family for her, but it didn’t worth. More than that, she ill-disposed. 

- Why do you think that she makes everything on purpose?
- I will give you one example: when she left the house she took me my collection of badges and banknotes. They didn’t have so much material value, but for me they had a sentimental value. This is her style.

- What did bother you more exactly in the relation with your wife?
- There were too many things.  First of all, she was used to live in luxury: money, cloths, frills. As long as I was with her, she never worked. I gave away and when she wanted a nanny for the children, although she didn’t have something else to do, I accepted, but I made this for the benefit of my family. She even heated my mother in a fit of fury, but I forgave her again.

"I hate men who beat their wives"

- Why you beat her? What did you feel when you beat her?
- This is the worst thing I have ever done in my life. I can say that I hate men who beat the women. It was the first and the last beat she received from me and was not as she said to the press, that I was beating her all the time.  There had been accumulated a lot of tension. I don’t even know what I felt, it was something temporary. 
- Do you think that this tension came because you failed in the Olympic Games from Beijing?
- I thought about this thing, too. I was disappointed by the failure from the second vaulting. I think that Marian Drăgulescu’s participation from this year to the Olympiad was a total failure. 

- Are you afraid of your children reaction?
- For the moment, my children are not conscious about this situation. But I think that later, she will tell them only stupid things.
- I know that after the operation of your daughter you accumulated a lot of debts. How s she now?
- The operation was a great success and Beatrice had a new start. It is as if she was born again. But she needs to go to speech therapist every day. Her mother is in charge with this, although after this scandal left with the children at Reşiţa and lives together with my former parents-in-law.  Thanks God that now I have no debts, some people helped me.
- Do the weekly sitting at the psychologist help you?
- Yes, I can say so. Even if in our country these periodical meetings with the psychologist are seen in a strange way, in the civilized country every family has a psychologist. We all have bad days and troubles.

"I risk to paralyse"

- Have you taken into account the variant of giving up the sports activity?
- Yes, I take into account even this decision but I will make the final decision at the end of the year. From the psychic point of view I still can, but physical, I can’t. The doctors advised me to give up; they said this just before the Olympiad. I risk to paralyse to a rude landing. I will give a sure answer I December. I will not retire for good! I will remain coach to Dinamo, with Marius Urzică, where I will train a group of juniors; we will guide their first steps to gymnastics. 

- Will you continue to participate to competitions until the end of the year?
- I train myself for 2-3 hours every day, although there was a time when I trained myself for 5 hours daily. But now I do not need to do this because I participate to competitions in Germany which take place at the end of the week.  I am content of my evolution, I win some extra money. 

- Would you like to rebuild your life with another person?
- I won’t make this step, at least for the moment. Who made a mistake once, then is careful. Now I want to think twice before taking a decision. I dedicate myself to my parents and my fathers whom I neglected and I hope that my live would be better from now on.

Drăgulescu’s daughter will hear and speak:)

The disease for which Marian Drăgulescu’s daughter was operated is called hypoacuzie and means the reduction of auditory acuity up to deafness.  Beatrice Drăgulescu suffered a surgical intervention in the beginning of this summer, in Austria, in value of40.000 euro. The operation was a success and there are chances that in 6-8 months his daughter could hear and talk if she continues the daily sittings at the speech therapist.

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