Radu Voina: "The purpose of the women handball is to defeat Norway"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 07 decembrie 2009 00:00

The coach of the national women handball team, Radu Voina, said that the match with Hungary was good, but the goal of any handball coach is to defeat Norway.

"The girls wanted so much this victory. They made a very good first half, in the second part, when they drew near to two goals we had some thrills, but this is the force of a great team, to recover. It was difficult because we had no timeout, but in the end everything was good.

The coach of the national women handball team, Radu Voina, said that the match with Hungary was good, but the goal of any handball coach is to defeat Norway.

"The girls wanted so much this victory. They made a very good first half, in the second part, when they drew near to two goals we had some thrills, but this is the force of a great team, to recover. It was difficult because we had no timeout, but in the end everything was good.

I say that the girls recovered their spirits very well and the points obtained today were very important. Hungary had made a better match, but they relaxed too early. Norway remains a great force of the women handball, even if some players are missing.

The purpose at the women handball is to defeat Norway, then you may think about something else. God help us, we will do our best. Ramona Maier is not completely recovered and I spared her because we need her", said the coach Radu Voina at Contratac, on GSPTV.

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