Vădineanu: "We will play the final with Norway!"

Clara Vadineanu
Clara Vadineanu

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 11 decembrie 2009 00:00

Clara Vădineanu is sure that Romania and Norway will meet again. She thinks that they are the best teams of the World Championship from China.

The inside left of the national team, Clara Vădineanu, has hurdle the failure with Norway. "It is not a tragedy that we lost. I think we played good, we showed that we gave everything on the field.

Clara Vădineanu is sure that Romania and Norway will meet again. She thinks that they are the best teams of the World Championship from China.

The inside left of the national team, Clara Vădineanu, has hurdle the failure with Norway. "It is not a tragedy that we lost. I think we played good, we showed that we gave everything on the field.

But they were lucky", says Clara. The player is convinced that the Romanian team won’t stop here. "We need three victories now and we will do it! We are motivated; we are looking forward to play with Spain, South Korea and China. With God’s and our help we will qualify in the semifinals", added Clara.

She is convinced that Romania and Norway will meet again sometime on their way. "I don’t know why, but something tells me that the final will be between Romania and Norway. They won’t defeat us again", concluded optimistic Vădineanu.

Romania meets China, on Saturday at 11:15. The match is broadcasted by TVR2 and liveTEXT on

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