We have little chances to the qualification. Do you still believe that we could reach the World Championship?

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 29 martie 2009 00:00

With only 4 points received after 4 matches and with a schedule which disadvantages us, the chances for Romania to go to the World Championship from 2010 have reduced to minimum.

The "tricolors" have another 4 infernal matches away, with Austria, with Lithuania, with France and with Serbia, and only two matches at home, with Austria and with Feroe.

Enter here and you can see the schedule of the matches.

"We had bad luck; we scored an autogoal in a good moment for us. It’s not my business if Piţurcă leaves or not"
Traian Băsescu, the Romanian president

“I think that 90% we don’t have any chances to the qualification, we should win in all the matches from now on”
Ionuţ Lupescu, general director from FRF

"Serbia was clearly above us! Except for the Romanian woman handball team, the Serbs have always been better than the Romanians"

"Florin Costea can play very good, but he wasn’t used in the right place. He should have had the chance to play where he knows to show his qualities, on the left side"
ILIE BALACI, former international

“They had one occasion and they gave three goals. We could receive 5 goals from 2-0, but we recovered soon. That’s it, we have to go on”
Paul Codrea

With only 4 points received after 4 matches and with a schedule which disadvantages us, the chances for Romania to go to the World Championship from 2010 have reduced to minimum.

The "tricolors" have another 4 infernal matches away, with Austria, with Lithuania, with France and with Serbia, and only two matches at home, with Austria and with Feroe.

Enter here and you can see the schedule of the matches.

"We had bad luck; we scored an autogoal in a good moment for us. It’s not my business if Piţurcă leaves or not"
Traian Băsescu, the Romanian president

“I think that 90% we don’t have any chances to the qualification, we should win in all the matches from now on”
Ionuţ Lupescu, general director from FRF

"Serbia was clearly above us! Except for the Romanian woman handball team, the Serbs have always been better than the Romanians"

"Florin Costea can play very good, but he wasn’t used in the right place. He should have had the chance to play where he knows to show his qualities, on the left side"
ILIE BALACI, former international

“They had one occasion and they gave three goals. We could receive 5 goals from 2-0, but we recovered soon. That’s it, we have to go on”
Paul Codrea

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