Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 10 iulie 2009 00:00
UPDATE 16:54 “I have taken this decision without thinking about my image. The projects are very nice, but they remain just projects. In this moment, the Ministry is blocked because of some reasons we all know. Nobody has anything to sign in the Ministry. In this moment, sport functions from inaction. I hope the problem of the Minister will be solved as soon as possible and positively", said Octavian Belu at GSPTV.
UPDATE 15:33 The prime minister Emil Boc announced the agenda for the Government meeting, and the case Ridzi won’t be discussed today.
ORA 14:45 Octavian Belu resigned from the function of Secretary of State at MYS.
Octavian Belu asked to be dismissed from the function of Secretary of State at Ministry of Youth and Sport. The reason is the lack of perspective in the Romanian sport.
"I asked to be dismissed from the function I had in the Ministry of Youth and Sport. I see no perspective for the function in the Ministry. The Romanian sport is in collapse", said Octavian Belu at RealitateaTV.
Octavian Belu was a state councilman at the Presidential Administration during 2005-2006. Then he was the president of the National Agency for Sport between 2006 and 2009. In 2009 he was appointed Secretary of State in the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
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