Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 01 decembrie 2009 00:00
The sponsor from Politehnica Timişoara, Marian Iancu, says that Poli Timişoara won’t play defensive in the match with Ajax Amsterdam.
"Our main target was to accumulate experience, not give cause to ridicule, to gain as many points as we can. We had a thundering group, I knew that it will be hard for us, we wanted to have a good image, to promote our club in Europe, to obtain good results after the surprise with Şahtior, we are on the right way, even if the qualification is compromised. To this fact it also mattered the difference of value, of experience, but also the arbitration.
I don’t know if a Romanian team will be allowed to accede to the European spring in the near future. You will see with Ajax another team than that on Amsterdam Arena, we will play more offensively, it will be a nice match, it’s a pity that it is at 22:00, I am afraid not to be affected by the fog.
I hope that Steaua will win at Tiraspol, I have the certitude that they will do it, we need points for the country coefficient", declared Marian Iancu at GSP TV.
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