Articol de Eduard Apostol - Publicat marti, 15 decembrie 2009 00:00
Tamaş thinks that he and his team mates shouldn’t rely only on gifts from God, but they should play football like a real team
- Gabi, all the players from Dinamo are thinking now about how to give at least two goals to Pao, about miracles, about the European spring. Does anyone think about defense?
- Now I think we should talk less about any other topic. We have a very important match, it is the last from this year which wasn’t very good, let’s play that match and then draw the conclusions. We will try to be careful in any area of the field we would be.
- Do you still hope a miracle to happen, just like at Liberec?
- Miracles, miracles... If we don’t work on the field, it we don’t help each other, if we don’t score and if we are not careful on the defensive side, God can’t help us. We know that at Athens hell is waiting for us, that we start with the second chance but is worth to try what at some moment seemed to be impossible.
- How should you play?
-We should play football like a team.
- This is the last match for you and then you will go to West Bromwich, won’t you?
- I know that I have a match at Athens, on Wednesday evening; I hope to help my colleagues if I play. This is all that matters in this moment
Tamaş thinks that he and his team mates shouldn’t rely only on gifts from God, but they should play football like a real team
- Gabi, all the players from Dinamo are thinking now about how to give at least two goals to Pao, about miracles, about the European spring. Does anyone think about defense?
- Now I think we should talk less about any other topic. We have a very important match, it is the last from this year which wasn’t very good, let’s play that match and then draw the conclusions. We will try to be careful in any area of the field we would be.
- Do you still hope a miracle to happen, just like at Liberec?
- Miracles, miracles... If we don’t work on the field, it we don’t help each other, if we don’t score and if we are not careful on the defensive side, God can’t help us. We know that at Athens hell is waiting for us, that we start with the second chance but is worth to try what at some moment seemed to be impossible.
- How should you play?
-We should play football like a team.
- This is the last match for you and then you will go to West Bromwich, won’t you?
- I know that I have a match at Athens, on Wednesday evening; I hope to help my colleagues if I play. This is all that matters in this moment
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