Marius Urzică: "Everybody admired the two jumps he made "

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 18 octombrie 2009 00:00

The former team mate of the world championship, Marius Urzică, has talked about the performance accomplished by the Romanians at London:

"Each competition has its history and I think that this medal means a lot for Marian Drăgulescu. He returned and I am very happy that he had the strength to return.

And it was not just a simple return, but on the highest level of the podium. In my opinion, everybody admired the two jumps he made and which he made this tine very-very well. It was hard to be overtaken by somebody".

The source: NewsIn

The former team mate of the world championship, Marius Urzică, has talked about the performance accomplished by the Romanians at London:

"Each competition has its history and I think that this medal means a lot for Marian Drăgulescu. He returned and I am very happy that he had the strength to return.

And it was not just a simple return, but on the highest level of the podium. In my opinion, everybody admired the two jumps he made and which he made this tine very-very well. It was hard to be overtaken by somebody".

The source: NewsIn

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