Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 12 aprilie 2010 00:00
After the sponsor of Sportul Studenţesc, Vasile Şiman, has declared that the president of Professional Football League, Dumitru Dragomir, acts in "the case Varga-Balan" as if he had a material interest, Gigi Becali reacted.
"Did Dragomir ask why haven’t I involved in the case "Cigarette lighter"? Well, this is an idiot question. What’s the connection between one and the other?", said Gigi Becali for Sport Total FM.
Then he continued: "I cannot stand Dragomir anymore. We were friends and I supported him because I thought it was the right thing, but I didn’t realize and I didn’t believe that his audacity and intrusiveness can reach this point".
Un nou transfer la FCSB! Gigi Becali, pentru GSP: „Luni dăm banii. Merge în cantonament”
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