Steaua was saved by it's #1 striker's super goal! » StanKO

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 20 august 2010 00:00

Steaua mad a good offensive game with Grasshopper, but had difficulties in the defense. Bogdan Stancu brought peace in the  stands with his super goal and Ilie Dumitrescu fulfilled his 3 objectives: bring back the crowd, win the game and don't receive a goal.

Steaua's fans have returned again to the stadium. For the second time in this season. They did it once for Piţurcă and last night they did it again for Ilie Dumitrescu and for the debute game in Europa League.

Ilie Dumitrescu's surprise man was Eric Bicfalvi. He managed to take out many opponents with his dribbling skills, but his shot was the only think out of place with his action (2). The same Bicfalvi offered a great pass to Tănase, the midfielder tried to score from an angle, but he lacks the fine shot that his coach had back in the days as a player(9).

7-1 for Steaua was the score at goal chances in the first 45 minutes

Super Tătăruşanu
Steaua's magnificent debute sounded the alarm for the Swiss players. They managed to enter the opposing penalty area late in the 21st minute when Voser was blocked when he was preparing to shoot. It was just a bluff because Ilie's squad started their assault on Konig's goal. Latovlevici was in great shape last night and fired a torpedo at the Swiss goal, but only managed to put the goalkeaper in the net, not the ball. 

The fans narrowly escaped Bănel's free kicks, being saved by Latovlevici, who started to take the set pieces from the right side, playing the role Mihajlovici used to have at Lazio, and almost scoring (33,40). After the break, the game  shifted and Steaua's heart stopped when Tătăruşanu just managed to save a shot (47).

Magical Stancu
Ilie Dumitrescu was cold blooded and substituted an out of shape Nicolita and introduced Răduţ, and the team reacted. Stancu took a fa-bu-lous shot and the ball went into the net with an amazing speed.

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