Cosmin Contra is Poli Timisoara's new coach!

Dan Alexa, Alexa, Cosmin Contra, Contra, Poli Timişoara
Dan Alexa, Alexa, Cosmin Contra, Contra, Poli Timişoara

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 16 septembrie 2010 00:00

Poli Timisoara's new coach said that he will assume the risk to be unpopular in the lockers.

Cosmin Contra was named yesterday the new coach of Poli. The decision was taken on Tuesday but became official only yesterday when chairman Marian Iancu met with the defender. The ex-Romanian international says that he wants to be a tough coach.

"I will begin a hard job. A lot of things will chance for me. Two days ago I was  with the boys in the lockers and now i'm going to be their coach. Sometimes I will have to take some decisions that might upset them, but I will take that risk. This is how life works, you can't please everybody", said Contra, who also announced his future goal: "I would really like to follow in Vladimir Petrovici's footsteps and coach my national team"

Three assistants
Cosmin Contra will be assisted by Vali Velcea, Iosif Rotariu and Marius Bratu. "We aren't speaking just about a coach, but about a hole staff. I accepted this challenge because I know I would have them around. I am confident", added Contra.

17.000 euros a month is Contra's salary

Poli Timisoara's new coach said that he will assume the risk to be unpopular in the lockers.

Cosmin Contra was named yesterday the new coach of Poli. The decision was taken on Tuesday but became official only yesterday when chairman Marian Iancu met with the defender. The ex-Romanian international says that he wants to be a tough coach.

"I will begin a hard job. A lot of things will chance for me. Two days ago I was  with the boys in the lockers and now i'm going to be their coach. Sometimes I will have to take some decisions that might upset them, but I will take that risk. This is how life works, you can't please everybody", said Contra, who also announced his future goal: "I would really like to follow in Vladimir Petrovici's footsteps and coach my national team"

Three assistants
Cosmin Contra will be assisted by Vali Velcea, Iosif Rotariu and Marius Bratu. "We aren't speaking just about a coach, but about a hole staff. I accepted this challenge because I know I would have them around. I am confident", added Contra.

17.000 euros a month is Contra's salary

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