Marius Lăcătuş is Steaua's new coach!

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 27 septembrie 2010 00:00

Gigi Becali announced yesterday on GSP TV that Marius Lăcătuş be the new coach of Steaua.

In Ghenchea the coaches come and leave like leaves. Gigi Becali was live on GSP TV when he said that he came to an agreement with Marius Lăcătuş and that the 46 year old coach will return at the club after 16 months.

"Marius Lăcătuş is Steaua's new coach! I talked to him just five minutes ago and managed to convince him to take over the team. I promised him that I'm not going to do anything at the team until the end of the season. We negociated and he will lead the team. Lăcă has a good heart and I told him: <Marius, come back!>. I told him that he has to be a beast with the players", explained Gigi Becali.

Lăcătuş already coached Steaua two times: October 2007 - October 2008 and December 2008 - May 2009. He revealed why he accepted to return: "I told Gigi that I left for Spain with something in my mind, but when he called me I felt something. I'm not the Mesia so don't expect miracles from me. With the help of the players and the staff I hope we can do a great job. It's a risk i'm going to take!", said Lăcă. Marius Lăcătuş will be officialy named coach today and will play his first game against Napoli in the Europa League.

Gigi Becali also had some conditions: "I wanted him to know that the club will take some measures against a couple of players. Among them is Szekely who hasn't decided yet if he wants to sign a new contract. Janos can't take the ball away from Stancu. He needs to be a better player to do that. Lăcătuş understood this"

Gigi Becali announced yesterday on GSP TV that Marius Lăcătuş be the new coach of Steaua.

In Ghenchea the coaches come and leave like leaves. Gigi Becali was live on GSP TV when he said that he came to an agreement with Marius Lăcătuş and that the 46 year old coach will return at the club after 16 months.

"Marius Lăcătuş is Steaua's new coach! I talked to him just five minutes ago and managed to convince him to take over the team. I promised him that I'm not going to do anything at the team until the end of the season. We negociated and he will lead the team. Lăcă has a good heart and I told him: <Marius, come back!>. I told him that he has to be a beast with the players", explained Gigi Becali.

Lăcătuş already coached Steaua two times: October 2007 - October 2008 and December 2008 - May 2009. He revealed why he accepted to return: "I told Gigi that I left for Spain with something in my mind, but when he called me I felt something. I'm not the Mesia so don't expect miracles from me. With the help of the players and the staff I hope we can do a great job. It's a risk i'm going to take!", said Lăcă. Marius Lăcătuş will be officialy named coach today and will play his first game against Napoli in the Europa League.

Gigi Becali also had some conditions: "I wanted him to know that the club will take some measures against a couple of players. Among them is Szekely who hasn't decided yet if he wants to sign a new contract. Janos can't take the ball away from Stancu. He needs to be a better player to do that. Lăcătuş understood this"

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Comentarii (1)
superstar20  •  18 Noiembrie 2010, 23:06

Nice :)

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